The Marshmallow Experience is a classic team-building activity that has been used in classrooms, workshops, and corporate settings for years. The premise is simple: Each team tries to build the tallest free-standing tower using only spaghetti sticks, tape, and string. The catch is that they must place a marshmallow on top of the structure, and it must remain there for at least five seconds.


You should have enough of the following items for your group to host your exercise:

  1. Spaghetti sticks
  2. Tape rolls
  3. Strings
  4. Marshmallows

How to do the Marshmallow Experience

  1. Each team receives a similar set of items to build the tallest free-standing tower, constructed out of spaghetti sticks, tape, and strings.
  2. The teams should build simultaneously to have the same chance. The time to build the construction is about 20 minutes.
  3. Once the building phase is finished. Each team chooses a team member to place one marshmallow on top of their construct. The construction needs to last for 5 seconds to be accepted.
  4. The highest free-standing tower, which can hold a marshmallow, is the winner.
The Marshmallow Experience

Why the Marshmallow Experience is so effective

On the surface, the Marshmallow Experience seems like a fun and lighthearted activity. However, it is actually a powerful tool for teaching valuable lessons about collaboration, innovation, and creativity. Here are just a few of the things that the Marshmallow Experience can teach us:

  1. Collaboration is key: In order to build a successful structure, team members must work together and communicate effectively. This means listening to each other, sharing ideas, and compromising when necessary.
  2. Failure is okay: The Marshmallow Experience is designed to be difficult, and most teams will not be able to build a structure that can support the weight of the marshmallow. However, this is actually a valuable lesson in itself. It teaches participants that it is okay to fail, as long as they learn from their mistakes and keep trying.
  3. Innovation is essential: The most successful teams in the Marshmallow Experience are those who think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to the problem at hand. This is a reminder that innovation is essential in all areas of life, from business to education to personal relationships.
  4. Time management is crucial: With only 20 minutes to build their structure, teams must be efficient and effective in their use of time. This is a valuable lesson in time management, which is a skill that is essential for success in all areas of life.


The Marshmallow Challenge is a popular team-building and problem-solving activity that involves building the tallest freestanding structure using spaghetti, tape, string, and a marshmallow. Debriefing questions are essential to help participants reflect on their experiences, learn from the activity, and apply those lessons to real-life situations. Here are some debriefing questions you can use after the Marshmallow Challenge:

  1. Team Dynamics:
    • How did your team decide on a strategy for building the structure?
    • Did everyone have a chance to contribute their ideas and opinions?
    • How did your team handle disagreements or conflicting ideas?
  2. Communication:
    • How effectively did your team communicate throughout the activity?
    • Were there any communication breakdowns or misunderstandings?
    • What communication strategies worked well, and which ones could be improved?
  3. Problem-Solving:
    • What challenges or obstacles did your team encounter during the challenge?
    • How did your team approach problem-solving and decision-making?
    • Were there any creative solutions or innovative ideas that emerged during the activity?
  4. Time Management:
    • How did your team manage its time during the challenge?
    • Did you allocate enough time for planning, building, and testing?
    • Were there any time-related issues that affected your performance?
  5. Adaptability:
    • Did your team need to adjust its strategy or plans during the activity?
    • How did your team respond to unexpected changes or setbacks?
    • What did you learn about the importance of adaptability in problem-solving?
  6. Leadership:
    • Did your team have a designated leader or leader emerge naturally?
    • How did the leadership style affect the team’s performance?
    • What leadership qualities were valuable in this context?
  7. Success and Failure:
    • What factors contributed to the success or failure of your structure?
    • What did you learn from any mistakes or failures during the challenge?
    • How can you apply these lessons to future projects or tasks?
  8. Reflection on Teamwork:
    • What aspects of teamwork were highlighted during the Marshmallow Challenge?
    • How can the teamwork principles demonstrated in this activity be applied to your everyday work or studies?
  9. Individual Contributions:
    • What roles did individuals play within the team?
    • How did each person’s strengths and weaknesses impact the team’s performance?
    • How can you better utilize individual talents in future collaborative efforts?
  10. Takeaways:
    • What are the key takeaways from this activity that you can apply in your professional or academic life?
    • How can the lessons learned from the Marshmallow Challenge improve your team’s problem-solving and collaboration skills?

These debriefing questions can guide a meaningful discussion among participants and help them extract valuable insights from their experience with the Marshmallow Challenge.


Overall, the Marshmallow Experience is a fun and engaging activity that can teach valuable lessons about collaboration, innovation, and creativity. Whether you are a teacher looking for a way to engage your students, or a manager looking for a way to build your team’s skills, the Marshmallow Experience is definitely worth trying.
